Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fistulotomy part 6

Last night I didn't get to post anything, so I'm making up for it now. The pain from the fistulotomy is almost completely gone and things are nearly back to normal.

Two things of note from yesterday. I went out of the apartment for a while and upon returning, I was trotting down the stairs to the entranceway and I felt the most hellish combination burn-sting from deep inside the fistulotomy wound. It lasted less than a second, but it was worthy of note. I've been invited to go swimming with a friend, but I've turned down all invitations for now because of the potential for stinging by way of the chlorine, and the BMs.

The sitz baths have continued religiously. Three times per day, including one after a BM. Last night's BM was not nearly as unpleasant as those in the past, but the after sting was really tough to deal with for about 10 minutes. Over that time, mostly in the last five minutes of it, it was fading away. Laying down with the fan pointed at my fanny was not required. I'm still using plain-water enemas before each BM, however. Last night's was very full and shall we say "robust". I have a post-op appointment with Dr. Jahadi on Tuesday. I think he'll probably put me back to work soon after that.

At this point, I think the only recurring pain and minimal discomfort is coming via the hemorrhoidectomy wound and perhaps what's left of the chapping (not chafing, as I had described in many posts earlier). But life is almost completely back to normal.

I'm still afraid to eat anything that could remotely legally be construed as "spicy" though. That includes my dearly beloved chips and salsa.

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