Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fistulotomy part 4

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was cursing the surgery and wondering if I should not have just lived with the injury. Part of it is not knowing if at that early stage in recovery, if this is bad as it gets or if it gets worse.

I need to take a moment to clarify, though. In the first posting, I make clear that I had a combination fistulotomy/hemorrhoidectomy. That's exactly what this was; not just a fistulotomy. The hemorrhoidectomy, if I am able to feel its healing, it's unnoticeable as opposed to the fistulotomy incision.

Tonight is Wednesday, coming into one week since the procedure. Today was full of events, albeit minor ones. I woke up at 6am because I had fallen to sleep so early last night. It forged home for me that I am not a morning person. I was bored as it gets, with nothing to do with my day.

The chafing has subsided and I hope it's for good. I'm dabbing triple-antibiotic cream on there in hopes the raw place won't get any air to it and sting again. With those things, it's also a matter of stretching the raw skin which makes it sting really horribly. But tonight I am able to move around some and I don't feel the incision nearly as much. I even started to feel the twinge of some deep itching, which is a great sign! My sense is that the next several days, I will be going through some pretty intense itching back there because of the healing. Another trip to the drug store for some antihistamine may be in order.

Today I had an unexpected BM and I was dreading it, though not for long. I grunted it out and man it did hurt. It stung very badly, in addition to the burning. It took another three wads of paper, wetted and squeezed into a wedge, to get all of the residue out of there. I then had to lay on my side with my bum pointed at the fan for no less than ten minutes to help in alleviating some of that pain. This BM was really bad still, but nothing like yesterday and absolutely nothing like the first one. I don't know why the doctors say to not use Calmoseptine ointment on the wounds at first. Dear God the pain would have been completely unbearable.

It seems that the protein shakes and yogurt I've been eating either did not help the BMs or it was simply too late. So tonight, I ate some cream of chicken, whole wheat bread with margarine, a yogurt and a protein shake. I'm pretty sure starving is also not good for recovery, so I figured what the heck.

Not sure how long it will take before I'm feeling really good again, and it may be another month before this bum is really healed and good to go. Everything I have read said it will leave a scar. I figure it probably will, since a gash was removed from it back there.

Three sitz baths today, as recommended. The first was very slow in and out. The second was a bit faster and the third was within the past hour. I was in and out of there.

1 comment:

  1. I agreed, for more information aboutFistulotomy
    read this
